Welcome to my new blog!
Hello, my name is Ann and I teach people about personal finance. This is my blog.
American families are increasingly financially stressed. The baby boom generation is getting ready to retire, and they might not be ready. Our health care system is constantly changing, and no one is sure when, or if, it will ever stabilize. One thing can be said, though, with a fair amount of certainty: you and I are increasingly responsible for making decisions that affect our families’ quality of life now, and in our uncertain futures.
I live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, home of the University of Alabama and site of a devastating tornado last month. I hope to have a link to Recover Tuscaloosa installed on this blog, but until I can cross that techno-hurdle, I will ask that you please consider making a contribution to relief efforts via this link: http://www.recovertuscaloosa.com/ Roll Tide.
As time goes by, I hope to share here various and sundry bits of advice and life wisdom that I hope others will find useful in managing their family resources. There will be links to articles, book reviews, and general commentary. I also hope that there will be some discussion. However, be forewarned that I am a schoolteacher and certain types of behavior will not be tolerated. Think of this as an extension of my classroom. When it comes to the determination of proper behavior, etiquette, and content, I am the final arbiter.
So welcome to the blog! I hope that this turns out to be fun and informative for all of us.
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